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Grinberg Method Trainer  |  Macrobiotic Consultant

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Women workshops




Muchas gracias por este gran taller! No tenía ni idea de lo constreñido que tenía mi cuerpo y ahora soy capaz de percibir el impacto positivo de los ejercicios de movimiento que hicimos durante las clases. Es fantástico el estilo de enseñanza de Beatriz, hace que sea fácil de entender. En varias ocasiones me he sorprendido con algunas de las relaciones que descubría entre algunas partes de mi cuerpo. Ahora mi menstruación es menos dolorosa y siento también que he aprendido nuevas herramientas que llevaré conmigo el resto de mi vida. 


Psicóloga y Ama de casa

Nunca había hecho algo similar y me sentía un poco rara. Pero después de un tiempo empecé a concentrarme más en mi propio cuerpo y sentir una especie de excitación del movimiento. Después del taller he terminado con una gran sensación de relajación, de presencia y vitalidad. También he descubierto que puedo recrear estas sensaciones fuera del taller.Acabé el curso sintiéndome con más energía y con más vitalidad. 



Me gustó mucho hacer el taller de mujeres con Beatriz. Siento que me conozco en un nivel más profundo. También ahora tengo un grupo de ejercicios que puedo hacer cuando tengo dolor y entonces noto que el dolor desaparece. Me ha ayudado también a tener sensaciones nuevas que no conocía. Es una experiencia fantástica, como tener vacaciones de mi misma!

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Why a project aimed at women?

In my professional career I have met, guided, and walk a part of the way of many women. Over the past 30 years I have enjoyed a profession that has allowed me to travel through different countries approaching the lives of women of different ages, social backgrounds and nationalities.

Women have a great creative force. In this force lies our ability to create life. We have great qualities for learning, empathy, flexibility and persistence.

This vital force is seriously influenced by an education and traditions that lead us to perceive ourselves and our possibilities in a specific and therefore limited way.

I observe repeatedly in women who come to me with problems with menstruation, fertility, menopause, etc. that the basis of these dysfunctions is in the conflict between what women are by nature and what they have learned to be by education.

The workshops I propose are aimed at all women who want to reconcile, respect and support their feminine condition.

With these workshops I want to give respect to the fact of being a woman and provide tools that help us become aware of the freedom we can achieve if we are an active part in our own well-being. In them I provide some simple guides based on physical training and guidelines on food to have a clear, intense and direct experience of our creative energy

Workshops and classes

The goal is to get back our feminine energy, going beyond the limits acquired by our education as women and enhancing the strength, control and flexibility of our body.

Using different movement exercises with music, breathing, revitalization of the pelvis, legs and feet, and silence, we bring our attention to the body. We approach the specific subject of the workshop through a physical experience, not only an intellectual one.

The talks and discussions also contribute to a greater understanding of the subject, encouraging us to deepen our learning and go beyond cultural norms and personal opinions.
In the sessions we learn to identify different patterns that we carry as women and to get out of them, acquiring a much more real and intense experience of who we are.

Learning through the body creates a physical change that is reflected in the reduction of discomfort or pain and in an intense experience of well-being. You will be able to use the exercises and concepts practiced in your daily life to achieve the change you want.

The workshops are one-off half-day or full-day meetings. Classes are weekly meetings of 1 1/2 hour duration.

Whom for?


All women who want to feel good are welcome!


For women who suffer from different physical conditions related to any of their life cycles: menstruation, fertility, menopause, etc.


No prior knowledge is necessary to participate in the workshop.


The next cycle of classes will be taught online.
The classes will be recorded and accessible to the participants, so if you cannot participate in one or more classes, you can follow it at a time that suits you best.

The topics:

This work is considered as a single unit, although it is divided into 15 classes for a better and more complete implementation of the changes in your daily life.

Women and self-image: Both our history and our current society lead us to be occupied -sometimes even obsessed- with how we are seen.
The objective of this workshop is to feel comfortable in our body instead of observing ourselves "from the outside" and giving our opinion about it.

Read my blog entry "Women and self-image"

Women and sexuality:

 We have innumerable beliefs about how sex should be and how we should be as sexual beings.
These beliefs definitely limit us and even make us suffer instead of having pleasure.
This workshop aims to identify them, to be able to get out of them and perceive our body as a welcoming and open place, receptive to the reality in which we live.

Read my blog posts:
​How do I use sex?
The importance of being a body
How we think sex should be

Women and Violence:

There is a lot of talk, and rightly so, about male violence. But what do we women do with violence?

Women have been taught to repress it in a much more accentuated way than men. This denial of violence often manifests itself in our body in the form of symptoms (some of the so-called "feminine conditions") or as "attacks" of bad mood, rage, criticism, complaint, etc.

Recognizing this force in us and learning to channel it is a step towards recovering the power of our femininity.

Women and food:
Eating as we need is an indisputable step to recover our strength and femininity.

Something that should be  simple and natural, turns very complicated since  we approach it from a mental point of view, full of opinions and prejudices. It becomes a way to punish us or give us a reward or control our body, etc.

This workshop aims to rescue the simplicity and power of the act of feeding ourselves.

Next course:

Taller: Mujeres y autoimágen

23 de julio 2023 - De 10h a 19h 

Precio del taller: 90€ (incluye comida)

Report on the Grinberg Method Women's Classes

Video Al setè cel - 'Connexió' BTV Barcelona:

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