- Single session of 1:30 hours
With just one session you can experience relief from a condition, get a sense of what the foundations of an individual process are, and experience the benefits of this work first hand. (80 €)
- Process of several sessions with weekly frequency
It is recommended to start a longer process to achieve a substantial change. By developing and consolidating the learning process, you will have better results that last longer. This implies at least 1 weekly session for 3 months (€ 65 per session).
- Intensive process
An intermediate alternative is to request an intensive process. The intensive program of sessions consists of 3 sessions of 1 hour plus a fourth session of an hour and a half, distributed over 2 days (normally Saturday and Sunday).
During these two days you will focus on a specific topic in which you want to create a change and we will work on it through individual sessions and the training that you will be given to do between sessions. (Process of 4 sessions working with a topic you want € 260)
Beatriz Fernández
Licensed Teacher
En mis treinta años de vida profesional he estado enfocada en potenciar las posibilidades que tenemos -como seres humanos- a través de un mayor conocimiento y atención en nuestro cuerpo.
Image gallery

Video: What to do with the pain?
An experience of professionals of the Grinberg method together with health professionals.

Director de una ONG
He estado trabajando con el Método Grinberg en diferentes etapas de mi vida y siempre he comenzado un proceso motivado con una idea en la cabeza o un deseo de cambio que, por alguna razón, yo no me sentía capaz de lograr. Ahora, después de cinco años, lo que significa Grinberg para mí es el cambio, la acción, el movimiento, las decisiones y el crecimiento.

Profesora - Ama de casa
Mi hija venía con un cuadro de asma y crisis muy fuertes con cambios de temperatura y alergias a muchas cosas. Estaba con tratamientos médicos y medicación cada vez más fuerte.
Con las sesiones que ha tenido con Beatriz el asma ha desaparecido y ella ya sabe cómo actuar para controlar cuando se encuentra cerca de una situación crítica. Incluso ha convivido con animales y perros, cosa que para ella antes era imposible debido a sus alergias.
Ya hace 5 meses que no va al médico, no toma medicamentos y no le ha vuelto a sufrir otra crisis.

Professional Coach-Banking sector
Después de 2 meses de estar en un proceso de aprendizaje, me siento con más fluidez al hablar, estoy menos temeroso de decir las cosas, me expreso mejor
Contact us
Individual session process
The starting point of a process is a normally annoying condition that exists in your life and that you want to change or improve. It can be a physical condition (pain, digestive disorder, difficulty in breathing or relaxation) or difficulty in allowing and expressing certain emotions, indecision or stress.
Many processes are also started as recovery from an accident, operation or trauma.
It can also be a project that you would like to make real, a quality that you are looking for or want to enhance.
Learning is always through the body and focuses on getting to recognize and stop the obstacles that you find in the way and develop the specific skills that are necessary to carry out that purpose.
The process includes learning how to manage fear and pain, how to take responsibility for your life and how to let go of what you already know to learn new possibilities.
Sessions last approximately 1 hour. We basically use tact and instructions so that you can actively participate in the meeting.

Book now!
To inquire or reserve, call +34 636 211 447
Or send a message and I'll get back to you before possible
In Barcelona:
ESMACA - Escola Macrobiòtica de Catalunya
Xifré 113 Low,
08026 Barcelona
In Pontons:
Masia Can Pla 65, 08738 Pontons Barcelona