Workshop Surfing with fear
Saturday February 20, 2016
from 12 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Price: € 65
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Hice el taller del miedo con Beatriz. Fue una actividad muy intensa que en ese momento fue un impacto muy profundo.
Me ha ayudado a entender mejor mis miedos, a vivir realmente el impacto que tienen en mi cuerpo, a darme cuenta de lo profundo, interiorizado y automatizado que está en nuestro día a día.

Estudiante de teatro
He encontrado el taller con Beatriz muy útil en el sentido en que ha agudizado mi atención a la posición, al lenguaje corporal y especialmente a mi voz. Me sorprendió realmente cómo hablaba al principio enfrente del grupo, con total incoherencia y falta de claridad. Los ejercicios a continuación crearon un gran cambio
Contact us
What's wrong with being afraid? Why do we refer to fear as a bad thing? What would life be like without fear?
We normally experience fear as a force that paralyzes us or prevents us from being how we want or doing what we want.
In our experience fear is a source of stress, depression, anger, etc.
It is possible to live fear in another way and use this immense energy to our advantage.
Our body knows how to manage fear and turn it into energy, confidence and initiative. This workshop is a proposal for body work in this direction.
From 12pm to 1pm
Introduction to the workshop and the topics we are going to work on:
What is fear? What is confidence? What is security and courage?
How do we normally experience fear?
How do we experience fear in our body?
The need to create a change in the body in order to manage fear.
From 13h at 1:30 p.m.
Practices of different exercises in order to raise the energy level and bring attention to the body.
13: 30h Coffee-break
From 1:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Continuation of exercises of attention to the body.
Body and movement control.
Exercises to gain more energy and confidence.
3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Pause

Tel: +34 636-211-447
Pl. Mañé i Flaquer 1 5th
Barcelona, CP 08006
From 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Individual patterns in the face of fear: how do we react to a fearful situation? (stress, paralysis, hyperactivity, anger, etc)
How to get out of this chronic pattern?
From 6:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. Coffee-break
From 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Stopping Movement Training
Use movement (with music) to break out of repetitive patterns and experience movement with confidence and confidence.
From 7:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
How to continue training with what we learned in the workshop
The Workshops are created to learn how to manage various topics that are important to most people. In them you will get clarity about that issue and practical tools to deal with them.
The workshops consist of physical exercises, talks and group discussions where you can share your experiences on this topic with other people.
There is the possibility that you ask for a personal training based on what you have learned in the workshop; If you are interested in this option, check with the coach who directs it.
About the workshops